Not only that.... my original post was not a "normal" post. I generally do not post anything that isn't at least in part education-related. However, today, I did post about my Liebster Award nomination and my nomination of others. I hope you didn't mind the slight side-track from normal blogging.
I would also like to take this time to offer a hodge-podge of notes, since this week is not like most weeks. I do have quite a few snippets of things to post.

Anyway, "Clarinda Cloud Activity Book" is based upon my picture book, "Clarinda Cloud." However, the activity book can stand alone. It can be used with or without the picture book. It addresses basic skills for ages 2-6 such as: coloring, tracing, letter finding, color recognition, drawing, counting, mazes, etc. It also, like the "Clarinda Cloud" book stresses the concepts of colors and feelings.
I am still looking to build a network of people interested in education. I am thinking about adding a puzzle, math problem, or brainteaser of some sort at the end of each blog post...something to get thoughts and comments. What do you think? Do you have any other suggestions? Please tell the schools, teachers, childcare providers, parents, grandparents, and librarians in your life about this site! I would appreciate it greatly! I want to help! Also, I would love input from the people who may benefit from it the most and who may have some valued resources and input of their own!

I hope to begin these in the fall once the next school year gets going. So, please let your local schools, teachers, and librarians know about this wonderful service! Imagine: authors and illustrators from around the country and beyond "visiting" your school or library via the Internet. It would be just as if they were their in person...only online. A great learning experience and a wonderful way to interact with these talented authors and illustrators!