Why am I talking about texting on an education blog? This might not give me any brownie points, but I am not a fan of texting. The most important reason for my disliking it is that I think it is used while driving or working too much. It seems to come before safety and responsibility. However, the reason I am talking about it on this blog is that I also feel that it is helping to "dumb down society."
Spelling is not a subject that comes easy to all people. With texting so prevalent and these terms used so frequently, it seems like correct spelling is even more difficult to learn. Sometimes these abbreviations are just the first letter of every word in the term. This kind of makes sense. However, sometimes the terms don't make sense and confuse people trying to learn the correct spelling of the word. For example, "tomorrow" is abbreviated as "2moro." The "2" in the beginning to stand for "to" when the number "2" is actually spelled "two" is bad enough. However, the abbreviated form also has one "r" whereas the correct spelling has two and the correct word also has a "w" at the end. How can people be expected to learn the correct spelling if they see the texting abbreviation so often?
I can remember tutoring someone who was having trouble in spelling. The student's parent asked how the student could be helped at home with the spelling difficulty. One of my comments was to cut down the texting slang that is used around the student. However, it was so much a part of society and the family's daily life, the texting didn't stop and the texting abbreviations didn't stop. No wonder this student had a difficulty learning spelling. Sadly, it doesn't seem like correct spelling is appreciated or encouraged in today's world.
So, what do you think? Is texting helping to "dumb down society?" I would love to hear your thoughts.