First of all, I'd like to Thank Jodi for having us on her blog!
We are excited to resume the National Math Bee(NMB) math game and tournament for the 2013/2014 school year. NMB is a simulated baseball game online, which pitches problems at the player to help students achieve extraordinary levels of speed and accuracy with their math skills. The game allows students to practice and master essential mathematic skill and prepares them for a higher level of thinking and problem solving.
Scientific research has shown, without exception, every student group who used the software demonstrated a significant increase in their math skills. But don't just take our word for it!!! This year the NMB is FREE to all, so we hope you don't miss this opportunity! You can register your school and students here at NATIONAL MATH BEE REGISTRATION.
Once your team is registered, students create their own avatar, and begin practicing math skills in an animated baseball game format. From September to December students will complete in classroom tournaments. Rankings, statistics and winners can be printed out and shared with the school. From January through April, students compete in school wide tournaments.
Don’t miss out on the chance to help your students to improve their mathematical skills with this fun, exciting and interactive game. If you have any questions please feel free to CONTACT US using our website. You can also follow us on FACEBOOK or TWITTER to stay up to date with interesting articles and information about the upcoming tournament!
We hope to see your team gaining points and improving math skills starting in September!
Thanks again!
*Note: I have been meeting many people and resources for education! DUO Education's network is getting bigger. There is another great resource linked on my side bar. It is an educational book by Ali Dent called The LITClub. We may be seeing Ali post here in the near future.