First, I tried to teach my students the importance of setting goals. I make sure that I say it in a way where the children felt comfortable with it. I included that everyone has something to work on or do. So, in order to work on it or do it, we often set goals. Even then young kindergarteners understood the concept. They enjoyed seeing their progress and achieving their goals. Not only that, but they felt like they had some say in what they were learning.
I tried to promote setting and achieving goals throughout the year. However, usually after major assessments, I would talk with children about their skills. The level of the conversation was based on the level of the child's understanding. Sometimes it was in the form of a simple choice. "What do you want to work on for your goal, learning more letters or learning more numbers?" Sometimes it was a little more specific. "You have five more letters to learn, you have 2 more numbers, or 10 more sounds. Which one do you want to work on for your goal?" Sometimes it was an open-ended question. "What would you like to work on for your goal?" Often they weren't true goals with specific steps and a specific time frame, etc. But, it was definitely a start for kindergarten students.
After the students chose their goals, I wrote them on a 3x5 index card similar to the one pictured. I named the goal and ideas of how to help the child achieve it. I also sent home a general note to parents explaining the goal setting, encouraging parents to help their children, and giving more ideas on how to practice each skill.
This was in addition to their normal work and homework. It wasn't graded or anything. It only helped them and never took away from their regular work. It did take a few minutes away from class time. But could often be done in a few minutes as they came in the door or finished an activity early, etc. I thought it was well worth it!

I have some ideas and am planning some things for 2014. Yet, I would like to hear your comments, questions, ideas, inputs, and feedback as well. What would you like to see happen at DUO Education? New blog ideas? New classes? New programs? New services? New pages? Blogging more than once a week? Different page layouts? More activities? More news? More teaching strategies? More educational products? More guest bloggers? Please comment or contact me with any ideas. And, the more specific you can get, the better. Thank you!

Here is the last "Clarinda Cloud" contest of the year! This one, everyone can do! All you have to do is answer a couple of questions. You can answer the ones here, the ones atwww.ClarindaCloud.com on Clarinda Cloud's Feelings Blog, or atwww.AuthorJodiDesautels.weebly.com on my author blog. Of course, answering them at all three is good too! LOL!
A winner will be chosen from all the entries at the end of the month. If nobody answers at least two of the questions, I will find a place to donate a copy. If you want to comment, but would rather donate a book to someone, feel free to do that as well. (Please, U.S. addresses only at this time.) Thank you!
Here are your two questions for this site:
1. Please explore the site and blog. What is your favorite blog post and why?
2. Please explore the site. What else would you like to see on the site and why? A class? If so, what kind? Another type of activity? If so, what kind? Homework help? More guest bloggers? If so, what kind? More teaching aids? If so, what kind? What would you like to see out of this site? What else would you like to see me offer?
*Also my ebooks, "Johnny's Adventure Makes Reading Fun" and "Clarinda Cloud" are free today on Kindle. I hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to get your copies. I would love to know what you think of them. Thank you!