**** Hi there! Thank you Jodi for this opportunity! I'm Candice and I am a Personal Assistant to Author, Wendy Nystrom. I work on several pages, one being Kidtales.
First-lets talk about Kidtales! Kidtales is a Facebook page that owner, Wendy Nystrom came up with back in 1999. Wendy is a children's author, currently published with Anchor Group Publishing, and she felt there needed to be an outlet to get children's authors together, for readers! Wendy created the page, and has sense shared millions of children's authors and books, along with her own, and her publishing sisters/brothers -Lil'Anchors of Anchor Group.
Wendy felt a strong desire to help children live in a book, have some imagination, and some character. In her books you escape to Iceland and take a journey through a young boys eyes. Friendship, challenges, discoveries, imagination, and secrets are all unlocked. Its something children don't often get anymore. Wendy knew there were hundreds of thousands of other authors out there, starting out right where she was, and Kidtales was the way to get those amazing, imaginative, creative, and fun books into children's hands.
I became an admin not long ago. Wendy and I met through another dear author friend- Christy Sloat (also an Anchor Group published YA/Teen author). I worked for and with Christy for about a year, and I was branching out into learning more about the assistant world and how I could do more for others. I adopted an author- the ever talented, amazingly creative Jodi Stone - and from there, in that group, my friendship grew with Wendy.
While working on Kidtales we brought about Coloring pages for the kids to find and color, some fun new ideas like sharing a kids video once in a while, sharing amazing book tales, and adventures-and ….now the EPIC idea… A KIDS Summer Reading Spectacular!
The spectacular was an idea I was thinking over and over. I work with several authors-both adult and children's writers. I wanted to do something for children to remember to read this summer. Summer reading is something that often falls to the way side with the pool, bikes, games, nights by the fire, and more. I wanted the kids to remember-authors care and education is critical. I have a background in education and I firmly think every child needs an author they love, a book they cherish, and deserve to feel the escape a book can offer!
After speaking to Wendy I started to slowly round up some authors. I knew the Anchor Group authors would all be so generous in donating-they always are. But I was unsure if I had other children's authors who would step forward, want to donate, and help the kids!
To my great surprise, I have many authors, including the ever amazing Jodi Desautels, who've stepped forward.
Here is the layout of what we're doing!
Children sign up for the event on Facebook at:
Parents make the commitment to help the children read, document what they are reading and the times they read, and then help teach the children about the importance of a book review!
For every 30 minutes a child reads they earn 1 point. At the end of the event prizes will be distributed, via age category (they are broken down into specific readers), for the most amount of points-but everyone will earn something!
Each week the children report on a Friday how much reading they have done, and post their reviews. Once the children do-Saturday I record the hours, and Sunday I pick a winner for a bookmark, or an ebook, or a bracelet, pencil, something SIMPLE. This allows a child to win every week JUST for reading-not in point order.
The prizes ALL come from donated items from authors and friends of children reading! We are very blessed. What do the authors get, promotion! They get their stories out there, their pages known to families (we have over 70 attending so far), and a weekly feature on each author where we dedicate time and information to them about their book(s) or pages or events, blogs, and things going on for the author! Every author gets featured on Kidtales event, as well as other pages that I belong to and can share on. They also get GREAT joy in helping children read, share, and have fun! We will be offering preferred reading to the kids every week in the age ranges, but the children are free to read anything! If an author is having a sale-we will promote that, and potentially host a giveaway we purchase. It is all about connecting Indie/Small Press Children's Book Authors to amazing children who love to read!
We are still accepting sponsors from authors or people who just want to donate bookmarks, swag, character related toys/stuffed animals, and especially books- e-format or paperback. Please message Kidtales page for more details on how you can help and join in giving back to the children!
A huge thanks to our Sponsors so far:
The amazing Jodi Desautels (whose hosting me on her blog-YAY-THANK YOU!!!)
Wendy Nystrom
Emily Fogle
Anchor Group
Brandy Herr
Jimmy D (JD Gordon)
Vickie Johnstone
Kelly Preston
Lakshmi Gosyne
Mitzy Tait-Zeller
Brenda Lochinger
Ayana Baugh
Scott Prussing
PJ LaRue
Saoirse O'Mara
Lindsey Parsons
HJ Daly
Author Mary Lee
M.C. Arvanitis
Lori R Lopez
Maureen Larter
Karen Pokras Toz
…………………………….We would LOVE LOVE to add your name to our list!
If your willing to give a little to get a lot, share the love of reading with a child, and have some great summer adventures-please come join us at the Kidtales Summer Reading Spectacular!
**Note: Thank you Jodi for your incredible kindness and sharing this event, and the help we could use, and being there to support the children! Much Lubs from the Kidtales admins!
Kidtales Summer Reading SpectacularJune 20 at 8:00am
Kid tales
I would like to thank you, Candice, for posting today! I wish you, and Wendy, and all involved in the Kidtales Summer Reading Spectacular well! I hope many children have fun with their reading this summer! Reading can be quite an adventure! I am glad I could help in some small way! Please come back and visit again!

Are you an adult who would love to read better? Not a problem! I have worked with people of all ages! Just contact me. Take that first step!