Obviously, I wasn't there. So, I don't know what took place. But.... if it is true, I think it is wrong on so many levels.
First of all, children shouldn't be brought into the discussions of adults. They definitely shouldn't be brought into the politics of adults. And, above all, they shouldn't be forced to recite something that so far hasn't shown to be true. It is like the children are forced to be "cheerleaders" and "advocates" for this program, when they don't even really understand the scope of the program or the politics.
There are many thoughts on Common Core from both parents and educators. I have seen where someone retired because of Common Core. He didn't believe that teachers could teach anymore. See the article in the Huffington Post and the letter of resignation here.
My question is this: If children are made to be cheerleaders for a program that may or may not be working academically....what is that teaching them? What is it teaching the world? Where is the value of individuality? Where is the value of thinking for yourself?
Okay... I have many questions and opinions. What are yours? I would be curious to know. Thank you!