Feel free to click on the image to download it! Have fun!
DUO Education: The Path to a Brighter Future |
![]() Hello everyone! Today, I thought I would share with you a summertime word search. It is great for homeschoolers, adults, or anyone who just wants to do a word search. The search words are twenty-five words that remind me of summer. Are there any other words that remind you of summer? Feel free to click on the image to download it! Have fun! I also want to tell you all about a wonderful contest that will be starting soon! It is called the "share and win party." The idea is that people will share things for a week to help spread the word about DUO Education and one person will be chosen to win a $10 Amazon gift card. Oh, more information about this wonderful contest is on DUO Education's latest page, "New on DUO Education."
![]() Hi everyone. I would like to introduce you to my guest blogger for the week, Candice Simpson. She has an announcement about a wonderful summer program! I am happy to have Candice introduce you to this program, because I feel it is so important for children to have some sort of summer time learning! Welcome Candice! **** Hi there! Thank you Jodi for this opportunity! I'm Candice and I am a Personal Assistant to Author, Wendy Nystrom. I work on several pages, one being Kidtales. First-lets talk about Kidtales! Kidtales is a Facebook page that owner, Wendy Nystrom came up with back in 1999. Wendy is a children's author, currently published with Anchor Group Publishing, and she felt there needed to be an outlet to get children's authors together, for readers! Wendy created the page, and has sense shared millions of children's authors and books, along with her own, and her publishing sisters/brothers -Lil'Anchors of Anchor Group. Wendy felt a strong desire to help children live in a book, have some imagination, and some character. In her books you escape to Iceland and take a journey through a young boys eyes. Friendship, challenges, discoveries, imagination, and secrets are all unlocked. Its something children don't often get anymore. Wendy knew there were hundreds of thousands of other authors out there, starting out right where she was, and Kidtales was the way to get those amazing, imaginative, creative, and fun books into children's hands. I became an admin not long ago. Wendy and I met through another dear author friend- Christy Sloat (also an Anchor Group published YA/Teen author). I worked for and with Christy for about a year, and I was branching out into learning more about the assistant world and how I could do more for others. I adopted an author- the ever talented, amazingly creative Jodi Stone - and from there, in that group, my friendship grew with Wendy. While working on Kidtales we brought about Coloring pages for the kids to find and color, some fun new ideas like sharing a kids video once in a while, sharing amazing book tales, and adventures-and ….now the EPIC idea… A KIDS Summer Reading Spectacular! The spectacular was an idea I was thinking over and over. I work with several authors-both adult and children's writers. I wanted to do something for children to remember to read this summer. Summer reading is something that often falls to the way side with the pool, bikes, games, nights by the fire, and more. I wanted the kids to remember-authors care and education is critical. I have a background in education and I firmly think every child needs an author they love, a book they cherish, and deserve to feel the escape a book can offer! After speaking to Wendy I started to slowly round up some authors. I knew the Anchor Group authors would all be so generous in donating-they always are. But I was unsure if I had other children's authors who would step forward, want to donate, and help the kids! To my great surprise, I have many authors, including the ever amazing Jodi Desautels, who've stepped forward. Here is the layout of what we're doing! Children sign up for the event on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/events/538333619558426/ Parents make the commitment to help the children read, document what they are reading and the times they read, and then help teach the children about the importance of a book review! For every 30 minutes a child reads they earn 1 point. At the end of the event prizes will be distributed, via age category (they are broken down into specific readers), for the most amount of points-but everyone will earn something! Each week the children report on a Friday how much reading they have done, and post their reviews. Once the children do-Saturday I record the hours, and Sunday I pick a winner for a bookmark, or an ebook, or a bracelet, pencil, something SIMPLE. This allows a child to win every week JUST for reading-not in point order. The prizes ALL come from donated items from authors and friends of children reading! We are very blessed. What do the authors get, promotion! They get their stories out there, their pages known to families (we have over 70 attending so far), and a weekly feature on each author where we dedicate time and information to them about their book(s) or pages or events, blogs, and things going on for the author! Every author gets featured on Kidtales event, as well as other pages that I belong to and can share on. They also get GREAT joy in helping children read, share, and have fun! We will be offering preferred reading to the kids every week in the age ranges, but the children are free to read anything! If an author is having a sale-we will promote that, and potentially host a giveaway we purchase. It is all about connecting Indie/Small Press Children's Book Authors to amazing children who love to read! We are still accepting sponsors from authors or people who just want to donate bookmarks, swag, character related toys/stuffed animals, and especially books- e-format or paperback. Please message Kidtales page for more details on how you can help and join in giving back to the children! https://www.facebook.com/Kidtales A huge thanks to our Sponsors so far: The amazing Jodi Desautels (whose hosting me on her blog-YAY-THANK YOU!!!) Wendy Nystrom Lil'Anchors Emily Fogle Anchor Group Brandy Herr Jimmy D (JD Gordon) Vickie Johnstone Kelly Preston Lakshmi Gosyne Mitzy Tait-Zeller Brenda Lochinger Ayana Baugh Scott Prussing PJ LaRue Saoirse O'Mara Lindsey Parsons HJ Daly Author Mary Lee M.C. Arvanitis Lori R Lopez Maureen Larter Karen Pokras Toz …………………………….We would LOVE LOVE to add your name to our list! If your willing to give a little to get a lot, share the love of reading with a child, and have some great summer adventures-please come join us at the Kidtales Summer Reading Spectacular! **Note: Thank you Jodi for your incredible kindness and sharing this event, and the help we could use, and being there to support the children! Much Lubs from the Kidtales admins! Kidtales Summer Reading SpectacularJune 20 at 8:00am Kid tales I would like to thank you, Candice, for posting today! I wish you, and Wendy, and all involved in the Kidtales Summer Reading Spectacular well! I hope many children have fun with their reading this summer! Reading can be quite an adventure! I am glad I could help in some small way! Please come back and visit again! ![]() Is your child having trouble with summertime reading? Let me help. I provide individualized, online tutoring. Not sure if it is the right tutoring program for you? Contact me. I would be happy to talk with you. Together we can create a tutoring program that is just right for your child, one that caters to his or her learning style! Are you an adult who would love to read better? Not a problem! I have worked with people of all ages! Just contact me. Take that first step! ![]() Hi. Since, I am on vacation this week, I am going to make this short. I hope everyone is enjoying their summer vacation so far! I would like to announce the publication of my newest work, "Clarinda Cloud Activity Book." It is now available on Amazon.com. "Clarinda Cloud Activity Book" is based upon my storybook titled "Clarinda Cloud." However, they work separately from each other. You do not need the book in order to have the activity book. The activity book has basic skills practice such as: coloring, drawing, counting, mazes, letter finds, etc. It is great for ages two to six, depending on the child and ability. The activity book, like the storybook, focuses on colors and feelings. ![]() If you haven't yet, please go check out my new author website titled Author Jodi Desautels. I have some interesting pages there. Of course I have a page about me as an author. Yet, I also have a page for "The Story Behind the Story" and for "Products That Have Caught My Eye." For the latter, I currently only have books posted. However, I intend to have more things that would benefit readers, writers, and illustrators. I am a member of the Amazon Associates and get a small stipend when you buy things off my site. So, I encourage you to buy them from my site and to tell me the types of products you would like to see. I am thinking about having a similar page here for educational products. ![]() I just want to remind people of the importance of summertime learning. Please take a minute to check out the site, particularly the blog and the online tutoring page.
I like this activity, because it has so much learning potential. For little ones, you can make tangrams with fewer pieces. It is also a good way to talk about shapes and sizes. For example, you might say, "Which piece are you going to start with: this big triangle or maybe that medium sized rectangle over there?" Or, you might ask as your child touches a shape, "What shape do you have there?" For older children, maybe make a game of it. Show them how to create tangrams and have them create one for each other. That way, they can see who solves the tangram first. Or, have them create one for you, so you both can be working on tangrams together. It is a nice way to spend some quality time with your children. It is also an activity that can help the child (or adult) keep their brain active. Activities like this have been shown to curb the onset of things like dementia and Alzheimer's disease. So, it is a wonderful idea to get children interested in keeping their brains active early in life and keep doing brain activities like this into adulthood. Work on them together as a family. You will all be better off because of it. Do what you can to make it exciting! Feel free to print this tangram out and try it! Let me know if you want the solution! But... then, try your own! Keep exercising your brain! Summer Time Tutoring![]() Speaking of keeping your brain exercised, please remember that DUO Education is now offering online tutoring. It is a great way to keep your child's brain exercised during the summer! Summer time learning helps in many ways. Don't miss out! ![]() A couple of weeks ago I announced that DUO Education is now offering online tutoring in math, reading, writing, and study skills. Okay, you may be thinking, "Yep. That is what you did. You announced that DUO Education was now offering online tutoring in math, reading, writing, and study skills. But why now? School is getting out soon. Aren't educators gearing up to enjoy a nice summer vacation just like all their students?" Well, I like my summer time fun as much as the next person. Picnics, long motorcycle rides, kayaking trips, and picture taking sounds like a blast to me. Yet, I know summer time learning is just as important. According to an article by NBC Today, students lose an average of "2.6 months of grade level equivalency in mathematical computation during summer months." That is just under a third of a school year. The same articles states that, "research shows that teachers typically spend between 4-6 weeks re-teaching material that students have forgotten over the summer." As a former classroom teacher, that is quite a bit of time to take reteaching something that wouldn't be necessary if students practiced math and reading skills during the summer months. However, educators happily do it, so as to make sure students thoroughly understand the material. The statistic that I enjoyed the most is that, "56% of students want to be involved in a summer program that 'helps kids keep up with schoolwork or prepare for the next grade.'" I love seeing that children WANT to learn! What to do about it?![]() The NBC Today article gives a few suggestions: going to the library, zoo, or museum are among the top choices. However, there is another option that the article did not list: online tutoring. That's right. From the comfort of your own home, your child could get online tutoring that is individualized and geared directly to your child's learning needs. To sign up today or for more information, just contact me. I am happy to help. And, there will still be time for plenty of summer time fun! Also, just think of all the time you will save in not having to play "catch up" with your child's skills once school starts again in the fall. I am sooooo excited! I am now happy to say that DUO Education is now ready to provide online tutoring services. I have opened the Paypal account and have researched prices. I will be setting up the page soon. This is fabulous news, because it is just in time to set things up for summer time learning.
Many children lose part of the skills they learned in the previous school year unless they have some form of learning during the summer. Now is the time to set up an individualized plan for your child. Let it be as fun and laid back and individualized as possible. Contact me now. I can't say it now... as this is the first reveal and grand opening of the tutoring services here at DUO Education. But... I hope to be able to say soon, "Contact me now, because slots are filling fast." Talk to me about: *Math tutoring: up through basic algebra and geometry *Reading tutoring *Writing tutoring *Study skills tutoring I have tutored people of various ages, skills, and abilities in various subjects in the past. But, this is the first time I have done it online. This is an adventure for me. Let us explore this adventure together! This is open to all learners of various ages, skills, and abilities. I am open to students with disabilities as well. I have done a fair share of work in the area of special education as well. If you are interested in a subject area that is not listed, please feel free to contact me anyway. I may be open to trying it or may be able to find you resources. So, for summer time learning and for other tutoring services, please contact me now. I look forward to hearing from you, so we can set up and individualized learning plan and create a wonderful online learning experience for you! Please feel free to contact me. Don't forget to share this information with your friends, children's schools, relatives, etc. and on all your social networks. I appreciate it. Thank you so much. I hope to hear from you soon! |
Jodi DesautelsJodi Desautels is a wife and mother. She is a life-long learner, educator, author, illustrator, crafter, creator, and photographer. She lives by two rules: "The Golden Rule" and "Live. Laugh. Love." Archives
May 2017