I'm So Excited to be Back!

First of all, I have a new look! I hope everyone enjoys it. I also have a new "blog motto" I guess you would call it. I have come up with words to go with each letter in the word blog.
The "B" for believe... believe that you can learn and will learn... and I will too! The "L" for learn..... I hope to facilitate a place to learn here! The "O" for optimize..... I hope to optimize your experience and learning opportunities here! The "G" for give.... I hope to give you the type of learning experience and knowledge that you desire!
Secondly, I hope to get more people involved! As you can see, I included some links in this post. I will try to keep it educational and not just marketing. But, I won't fool you to say that none of it is marketing. Honesty is the best policy... and I uphold the DUO motto of following the Golden Rule.... do unto others as you would have them do unto you!
As always, I want you to feel comfortable and inspired here! I want you to learn and to share! Feel free to comment or get in touch with me at any time! We can build this site together! Also, share, share, share! Give your friends, educators, homeschoolers, family members this website address. Let them get involved with the educational site that hopes to teach, learn from, inspire, and engage all people! (The Game Room /the-game-room.html is also safe for the little ones! I try to keep nonviolent, educational games that help with strategy, creativity, and academics on the site.)
New things are in the works! I can't wait to let you in on all the new changes for me!

Also, check out http://www.amazon.com/Tori-Jeans-Busy-Day-Tori-Jean-ebook/dp/B00AMNSQUQ by Jackie Williams. This is book one of a series. It sounds like the two year old character has a bunch to do! Speaking of a bunch to do... how about checking out a book where five sisters work together for a great cause? Check out http://www.amazon.com/Mommas-Little-Helpers-ebook/dp/B00BCLD1SE by Angie Harris. Here is a free one http://brigantinemedia.com/compass/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Meet-Issy-FREE.pdf which I think is part of a series. This is written by Pat "Gigi" Calfee.
I'd like to thank the authors for allowing me to post their links. I hope you enjoy all these books and more. Many of these authors have more than one title, including myself, so I hope you take time to check out all of the titles by these authors!
