I have already got quite a bit of interest for this program from authors. I just thought of adding the illustrators. I believe this would be both beneficial for the authors, illustrators, and the students... as well as broaden the audience of the program. This could be marketed to art classes as well as library classes and literacy classes. I have already talked with someone who works in an elementary school and have some support there.
I am so excited! This idea seems to be catching on like wild fire! Now, I just need to work out some of the logistics: Which author/illustrator will be on which show? How will schools find out or sign up? What will the format of each program be? How will the webinar interface work? Which one will work best?
Currently, I am working on gathering a list of authors and/or illustrators who would like to be a part of the program. For now, I cannot offer any payment. I need to know how it will work out and what my expenses will be. So, for now... it will be plenty of free exposure to the authors and illustrators who write and/or illustrate children's books and YA books. If you are interested, please contact me through the contact page at this link /contact-me.html, message me on my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/jodi.gabert?ref=tn_tnmn, or email me at [email protected] with your name, title(s), genres(s), reading level(s), audience level(s), and any site or contact information you would like to share. Also, please share, share, share about this program!!!! Help me to get the word out and make this a success for all!
I will be on the list to present some of my books. Shown here are two of my books. More are in the works!
Yes... I keep calling it "a webinar" or "the program" because I have not decided on an official name for it yet. If you have any ideas, please let me know. I would also be happy to hear any suggestions on the logistics! Please consider this great idea! I look forward to hearing from you! I believe that this would be a great learning opportunity for many, many students! Thank you!
On a Related Note.....

She also presents a webinar which helped give me my idea called "The Weekly Bookclub Webinar." This is a similar program for adult audiences which takes place on the weekend. Her program is free for authors and readers. Please check it out at http://angieharris.weebly.com/weekly-bookclub-webinar.html! I have attended her webinars on more than one occasion. They are informal, entertaining, and informational! It is a growing success! Congrats Angie!