Homeschooling parents chose to teach their children at home for a variety of reasons. Some parents do it for religious and spiritual reasons, whereas others homeschool because they do not feel that their children will get the same level of education in a school as they would at home.
I have homeschooled in the past. I know the kind of passion and care that goes into teaching your own child. I feel it is more of a natural education. Homeschoolers can take more field trips and do more hands on learning. If a child has a particular interest, a homeschooler can use that interest to develop an awe of learning and individual learning habits. As a homeschooler, there are no set times or set way in which a child has to be taught. The latter may be one of the reasons why some parents are choosing to homeschool now, whereas they may not have in the past.
More and more parents are choosing to homeschool because of the new Common Core State Standards. Parents may not like the rigid rules of how students are taught and graded. They may not like some of the content being taught with the new Common Core.
No matter what the reason for homeschooling, homeschoolers are often misunderstood or put down. I know that I have been put down while I was homeschooling years ago.
People tend to feel that parents are not trained educators, so they are not able to give children the same quality of education that certified teachers could provide. However, most of the homeschooled students that I know, get better grades and learn more at home than the average child in school. The children also have a greater passion for learning and put a high value on family.
So, again, I want to give a shout out to all the homeschoolers! I understand and I admire what you are doing! You are appreciated! If there is anything I can do to help a homeschooler out there, please let me know! I also want homeschoolers to know that I appreciate at your support and that you have my support.
And, if you are interested in learning more about homeschooling, there are plenty of information out there. There are quite a few groups on Facebook and other social media sites. I am also happy to help you find a group for you. Please, feel free to contact me. Thank you.