Bullying takes place at school, at home, in the neighborhood, and over the internet. There are even sites that seem to promote bullying behaviors.
So, I have decided to do my part to try to stop the bullying and the torment that comes from the bullying behaviors. Here is one of my posters on bullying awareness/antibullying/bullying prevention.
Clarinda Cloud is a character in two of my currently published children's books. I am hoping she is headed towards stardom and hope she will make a great anti-bullying spokescloud. Her message is always that the healthy sharing of feelings is so important. She always shares her feelings and wants to encourage others to share their feelings as well. For those of you who don't know the books featuring Clarinda Cloud and who would like to see these books focusing on feelings, here they are:
Notes and Notices:

I will give you a hint. This is taken in my home state. I am not looking for a country or a state though. For this photo, I am looking for either town/city or a specific place. And, no, it is not in my back yard. It is in someone's or some business' back yard though.
Don't know where it is? That is okay! Please comment with the name of an elementary school, daycare, library, or children's counselor where you think I should send it anyway. I will still give a copy to an elementary school, library, daycare, or children's counselor in the US. Good luck!

Just a reminder, I update the site often, so please check back and explore often. Also, if you have an educational need, concern, tip, strategy, post, etc.... that you would like to share, please feel free to contact me. Thank you!