When I was teaching kindergarten, I did a unit on dinosaurs. All of us kindergarten teachers in the school did the same units at the same time, but sometimes put our own spin on it. The students enjoyed this unit. I don't know if I have ever seen a kindergarten student who didn't like the dinosaur unit. LOL!
I don't remember, but I think we did this unit at about the same time that "Earth Day" came about. So, we also talked about recycling and re-using things. Anyway, as a culminating activity to the unit, the students would be asked to create a dinosaur out of regular household items and/or craft trinkets; such as pompoms, pipe cleaners, and the like. They weren't to spend very much, if anything, to create the dinosaur.
It was okay for parents to spend some quality time with their children and help with this project. It was even encouraged, as long as they were helping and not doing it all.
Children had to create a dinosaur, name it, write about it…what it did, what it ate, where it lived, etc. Also, in class, we had a big show and tell, where students told about their dinosaurs. It was fun! Then, we put them on display for teachers, students, and parents to admire.

Have fun with this!